1991 Year of foundation.

Start the actual work by starting the IT department. Development of a PICR code reader for Budapesti Vízmű Zrt. – order of 1,000 pieces.
Number of employees 4.


The Pt93 fuel station control terminal has been completed.


On behalf of Sure Torque Inc. (USA), we developed the ST94 cap unscrewing force measuring and recording controller, of which almost 200 pieces were exported to America.


We have developed the BC95 fuel station control system for Tisza Volán Rt., we installed self-developed shortwave RF identifiers on the buses. Process control works with the QNX operating system and self-developed SIRIUS “Soft PLC” and display system at Biogal Rt. And SKW Ltd. – fermentation process control.
Own site purchase – Szeged, 67 József A. avenue.


The development of IDAP units has been completed and put into production. The upgraded version is still in production today (2020). Process control of tunnel kilns in Alföld Porcelán Edénygyár Zrt. and Burton Apta Ltd.


The ISO 9001 quality management system is introduced.
Number of employees: 12 people.

2000 Site expansion.

Complete renovation of the building, construction of a new workshop.
The first applications of Cimplicity SCADA at GE Hungary Zrt.


We conclude the most valuable deal with Földgázszállító Zrt.: For the delivery of Modicon Premium PLCs to gas transfer stations and the development of the PLC software. These systems were installed at 48 gas transfer stations.

2004 -2007

Measurement data collection, process control works at Alpharma Ltd., Imerys Ltd. and Phoenix Rubber Indsutrial Ltd.


Complete design, manufacture and installation of a control technology in an explosion hazardous plant at Axellia Ltd. Technology and user interface software development (HPLC, RO, reactors, chromatographs, etc. Technology), with Modicon Premium PLC and on Cimplicity SCADA platform.


The installation of an experimental plant has been completed at Axellia Ltd.
The company has won several applications this year.


Process control of an experimental fermentation plant at Xellia Ltd.
Preparation of 410 belt vulcanizing press control technology at CTRI Ltd.


Our new business partner is Mayfran Limburg B.V. As a subcontractor we prepared the process control of several emulsion filter systems for the Opel plant in Szentgotthárd in accordance with the special standards of General Motors. The Mayfran (acquisition) – Zolend (mechanical engineering) – 3i (control technology) cooperation begins to develop. At CTRI Ltd. B6 belt vulcanizing press control technology is ready.


As a subcontractor of Mayfran Limburg B.V., we received the electrical design, software development, production, on-site installation and commissioning of the BMW Hams Hall and Ford Bordeaux emulsion regeneration systems. We are working abroad for the first time. Preparation of B7 belt vulcanizing press control technology at CTRI Ltd.

2013 As a subcontractor to Mayfran Limburg B.V., we supply emulsion regeneration systems and conveyor controls to Jaguar-Land Rover Wolverhampton and Halewood plants.

We are constantly working in the automotive industry both abroad and at home, and we receive very good feedback on our work. We gott to the Ford Elabuga plant in Russia, where we installed emulsion filter systems.

2015 Preparation of the control technology of the PR5 belt vulcanizing press at CTRI Ltd.

We reach new countries, e.g. China, Finland, Bangladesh. We have completed the development, production and installation of the largest control technology of 3i Ltd.: the Contitech Morocco (Jorf Lasfard, Marocco) steel-lined belt production line.

2017 Our farthest work to date is INA Irapuato Mexico. The complete control technology of Xellia Ltd.’s new explosion hazardous plant.

We moved to a new site – 12 Kollegiumi road, Szeged – where the conditions could be created for the 8 main software developers, 7 main electrical designers or instrument cabinet manufacturers’ workshops, warehouses and administration. We set the goal of designing robot cells, so the new business partners are Entra-Sys Ltd. (Machine manufacturer). We are preparing the largest emulsion filter system in Europe at the site of FAG Hungary Ltd., Debrecen.


We successfully handed over 5 robot cells to Entra-Sys. Ltd., Mitsubishi, Fanuc and ABB robots. As a subcontractor of Zolend UK Ltd.., We received the development and implementation of the Jaguár test cells fuel service system control technology. We exceeded the net sales threshold of HUF 1 billion. Number of employees: 43.

3i Development and Services Ltd.
12 Kollegiumi road Szeged, Hungary 6728
Office: +36 62 556 270
Service: +36 20 350 2967
www.3i.hu info@3i.hu